MainCharactersEmailOther Art (Deviant Art)
For questions, comments, etcetera relating to Chain of Descnt, send your email to writer and artist:
Ric Rastoskey
ricrastoskey a-t gmail d-o-t com
  For questions, comments, etcetera relating to the webpage and html, send your email to the web lackey:
Rob Rastoskey
parallaxchain a-t gmail d-o-t com
Not sure who you want to write to? Send your email to Ric, then.
Chain of Descent is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Chain of Descent, characters, and script are ©Copyright 2010 by Ric Rastoskey. Use of any copywritten materials without the expressed, written permission of Ric Rastoskey is prohibited by law. This said, I am open to suggestions. You are welcome to email me if you have any.